Tiny Sea Forest

The Tiny Sea Forest in the Grevelingen is the world’s first underwater forest. By placing various underwater structures and materials—such as old trees—into the Grevelingen, we support the establishment of underwater ecosystems and provide shelter for marine life.

The Fieldwork Company has been commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat Zee en Delta to develop and establish the world’s very first Tiny Sea Forest. In shaping this project, we collaborate with Staatsbosbeheer, which manages the area, and IVN, the initiative’s originator.

By placing various underwater structures and materials—such as rocks and branches—we create shelter and encourage the establishment of diverse plant and animal species. The Tiny Sea Forest also serves as a testing ground for artificial structures designed to further enhance marine life.

Discovery Trail guides visitors over a network of boardwalks, leading them past different underwater structures. From the platforms, visitors can use viewing scopes to explore the underwater world, discovering the fascinating ecosystem of seaweed, shellfish, tunicates, and anemones, as well as fish, crabs, and shrimp. Additionally, we have created an outdoor classroom at the Tiny Sea Forest, providing a unique learning space for students.

With this project, The Fieldwork Company contributes to expanding knowledge and exploring new possibilities for restoring underwater ecosystems. Want to visit? The Tiny Sea Forest is open to the public at Zeeland Buitenland, Middelplaat 6, 3253 MH Ouddorp.



Rijkswaterstaat Zee & Delta



Project status

In uitvoering

Involved part(ies)
