
These days, there is a plethora of example projects in which the daily lives of animals of some sort (birds, mammals, etc.) are being shown to the public. Through internet webcams you can now spot live animals or view landscapes 24/7 from the comfort of your home. Other applications of webcams are for example displays at visitor centres. This way, you don’t have to climb a tree to look into a nest, the nest camera does that for you. And the best thing about it: it doesn’t bother the animals themselves. These webcam systems can be anything between simple and very complex.

Special outdoor locations and vulnerable species

We have a lot of experience in supplying and installing webcams and wildlife cameras in various types of environments and for various animal species. Our previous projects involved waterproof HD cameras with wipers against salt spray which we installed on the tip of Reide for seal spotting, temporary camera systems to track passages of big game on ecoducts and placing cameras next to the nest of a hen harrier. Even dark beaver lodges are no problem for our experts.

Customised application

Our camera systems can be anything between simple and highly complex and with a wide range of applications. In most situations, we need to rely on autonomous off-grid energy systems with, for example, solar panels and Wi-Fi/4G links. We offer services for building and installing all required new hardware. But we also help putting ecology in focus by renting out our equipment.

Remote locations, harsh conditions and sensitive species: that is our speciality!